Monday, September 13, 2010

I want hazard pay!

As a single parent of almost 14 years, I've weathered my share of frustrations, temper tantrums, shouting matches and meltdowns.  And that was just from me.  Let's talk about my two sons!  They can bend metal with their screams and send me directly from 0 to 90 on the migraine scale (is there such a thing?  I think I just made it up.) without breaking a sweat.

I learned long ago that If I was going to survive my son's teen years, I was going to have to employ my vast reserve of parenting skills when they were young and hone them over time.  By the time they hit the dreaded black hole of tolerance and respect, I would be ready.  Yeah, that was the plan.  Plans sometimes go the Shake Weight I bought that was going to tone down my bat wing underarms.  What happened to that thing anyway.  Well, I digress...

I now have a 16 and 19 year old.  The wrinkles, gray hair and unexplainable facial ticks that come with parenting teens is well developed unfortunately.  But at least it gives their friends something to laugh at.  And it makes me thankful for a good health insurance plan that I'm sure Obamacare will eventually vaporize.  Oh well, I'll expound on that in a future blog!  For now, I'm trying to do the best job of parenting that I can with these rug rats.  Well, I called them that when they were that they are older, I guess they would be more like area rugs.  But I digress...

Single parenting is hard.  It is energy zapping, sleep robbing, headache inducing and stomach churning, but it is also messy, fun, spiritual and highly rewarding.  Yeah, I think at times I should ask for hazard pay, but then I think about the benefits and I guess it all works itself out.  I wouldn't trade my parenting experience for the world...I'm just sayin'...


  1. Would you please post COMMENT RULES. I tend to observe few boundaries. I am especially prone to overstep those that are unseen or unstated. . .
    ...I'm just sayin'...
    I really only did this so I could be the first at something. I feel so relieved and rewarded that I will go straight to the candy dish and treat myself to TWO chocolate (duh!) kisses - one for you and one for me. No fun kissin' yourself.

  2. Oh I hate RULES! Hitting the candy dish and having TWO chocloates, you must understand where I'm comin' from. If I get offended by a post, I'll just remove it. I believe most people have an internal sensor that will smack them upside their head if they step over the line. Just sayin'... thanks for the comment!
